Saturday, October 29, 2005
Show Me A Gull Bladder
The new blog address is
I'm also working on a new forum (based on Invision) ... We expect many
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As always I have to be delayed in publishing them, but the news always come by my Vichi and will result (in descending order, from most recent) news arrived.
(I apologize if the formatting of the articles is not always perfect, but my blogger creates enormous problems in this sense ... I'm exploring new possibilities ...)
Regards, Ivy
The merry slaughter
period of extraordinary for the Israeli army, even for the weekend stop the raids of IDF soldiers in the Palestinian territories and the systematic killings of militants and civilians, out of control and any rule of humanitarian law.
Sunday, October 23, during an "attempt to stop" function in the Tul Karm refugee camp, Israeli forces killed Luai Saadi, the head of the military wing of Islamic Jihad in the West Bank and Majed Al Aksar, a militant group.
Several times we talked about the arrest operations carried out by the Israeli army, and as too often they turn into a real extra-judicial killing of Palestinian militants, on the point, simply putting on this excellent report from B'Tselem, the significant title of "Take No Prisoners"
( ).
Saturday, October 22, toward evening, the Israeli army killed the 19 year old Abdullah Tamimi, near the city of Ramallah, the West Bank.
E 'success that Israeli soldiers had spotted two Palestinians in the reserve who were walking along the road leading to the establishment of Neveh Tzuf, one of whom was carrying a bag "suspect", believing no doubt that this bag would serve to transporting explosives, the brave IDF soldiers opened fire without hesitation, killing one of two Palestinians.
Only after we realized that just carrying the bag of stones, but for the poor Tamimi, unfortunately, it was already too late.
With this latest murder, illegal and unwarranted increases to 4,853 the number of those killed during the second Intifada
Unfortunately, nobody in the world is nothing to say.
Shadows in the night
In the night between Sunday and Monday the mighty Israeli army has made yet another stunt, killing three unarmed Palestinians trying to cross the boundary between the Gaza Strip and Israel in the area east of Deir al-Balah.
According to the Israeli version, the soldiers had seen three shadows in the night "suspicious", three Palestinians approaching the border, of which one went with him a bag: suspecting loaded with explosives, the Israeli military opened fire, hitting them with several bullets.
The three young men wounded, I was left bleeding to die like dogs, without the IDF soldiers are worthy to help them: clearly not within their institutional tasks!
Only two hours later, a Palestinian ambulance was allowed to approach the site of the shooting, but the medical staff has not been the task of carrying away the bodies. So they found
Still yet another crime committed by Israeli soldiers, another use of excessive force, yet another killing of innocent civilians is not acceptable - in a civilized country - not even attempt the arrest of suspects, is not acceptable that the only move some shadows in the night to enable the army to shoot to kill, it is unacceptable that those who try to cross the border illegally should be killed without any checks and without any reason. So
three poor boys who were only looking to escape the misery and devastation in Gaza have paid their dream with death, three shadows in the night cut short by the murderous fury of the Israeli army.
Thursday, October 6, 2005
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Cirio Following the event I think everyone will remember, there are many judgments which have followed on the subject, and specifically what happened, and both in terms of less direct effects, such as that of transparency.
private When I want to buy bonds, shares etc.. I have the right to be properly informed by Consob (the body that in theory - I say theory because in view of the crack do not know how to do it - it must supervise the securities listed regulated markets) pursuant to art. Regulation 29 of the same institution, or from my bank / financial advisor. There are indeed many indicators (usually a prospectus and rating in the case of bonds) that can and must help the investor in its assessment of acquisition.
In this regard, I read up (a kind of abstract full text) of a ruling that would like to share Blog to hear your opinion on a more general question:
Court of Trani, June 7, 2005.
It is possible that the activity of tax information to the intermediary art. 29 reg. Consob must necessarily take the form of a document completed by the customer (in this case it was considered that the bank had provided this information based on dicituara printed on the same purchase order if they gave note that the client was fully informed about the nature , risks and implications of the transaction reported in the order and have asked that implementation in autonomy).
If I understand you mean that you must receive a written document containing the various instructions and information as well as any risks, but there is, and that's okay, just a word that refers to something that the agent should explained to me.
So, to have some 'transparency must hope that our party is not in a hurry when he is talking to us, or who has not had a fight with his wife and who is willing to spend some time with us to explain everything right .
Maybe even a piece of paper written would be useless if people do not read it, but would certainly be better than to hope for factors like the weather or the mood of the people ...
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
What Should I Use If My Baby Has Phlem
Monday, October 3, 2005
How To Penicillin Allergy Test
I apologize to all the guys who follow the blog (and ultimately thank Nicolas:)) for the little "update" these days, rather than due to a desire to difficulties in its non-material time ... But I am going to return (which is not a threat)!