Title: Inception
Year: 2010
Country: Canada, France, Japan, Morocco, UK, USA
Genre: Thriller, Sci-Fi
Length: 148 minutes
Director: Christopher Nolan
Screenplay: Christopher
Nolan Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio (Cobb), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Arthur), Ellen Page (Ariadne), Tom Hardy (Eames), Ken Watanabe (Saito), Cillian Murphy (Robert Fischer Jr.), Marion Cotillard (Mal)
Production: Warner Bros. Pictures, Legendary Pictures, Syncopy
Distribution: Warner Bros. Pictures
WARNING: This review contains spoilers .
Cobb is a thief of ideas. He is able to get along with his colleagues in the dreams of people like him who are connected to a special machine, and thus inverstiga firsthand their minds to obtain information otherwise inaccessible. It 's a tough job and risky, especially if the person you are trying to penetrate the mind has been trained to defend against this attack mental - or if the thief suffer from the same that led him to materialize ghosts of his past to 'inside the dream that distract him from his work. Even more difficult is to enter ideas rather than remove them, because you have to convince the person involved that the idea comes from themselves and not by outsiders. Cobb was taken over by wealthy Japanese tycoon Saito enters the mind of the child because of its largest competitor, the young Robert Fischer, and convinced of his own accord to dismantle the multinational empire built by his father.
The mental health of an extractor as Cobb depends totem, an object can tell when you are actually in reality rather than a dream.
director Christopher Nolan is a particular. In fact, his career has always made films very interesting from the point of view and narrative that have always marked for the attention given to the exploration of the psychology of characters. However, in my opinion, has never particularly distinguished for his shots. At least, when I think of his films (I've seen all except the first, Following ) I will always think of stories and characters, but never really picture worthy of note. Since Inception trailer just seemed that this time the director would finally accompanied the "psychological story" even in large sequences.
A road that turns back on itself - one of the most spectacular images of the film ... and even more unnecessary for narrative
The problem is that Inception is a film about the dreams he has little dream. Cobb spends the first hour of the film to explain how his work, what happens and what you risk when you infiltrate the dream of a person, how do we obtain information through this technique, and those who need to realize this mission of "graft." During this first part, expenses, among other things also to train the young to do Ariadne "architect's dream," we will see buildings that bend, fruit exploding mirrors that open roads and loops that represent the dreamer's subconscious ready to attack as they infiltrated the antibodies of the mind. When the mission begins true then one would expect to see phenomenal things, given that it was spending an hour just to prepare the ground ... but no. The mission consists in accomplishing three dreams within each other, because (for some reason not very clear to me) this would have to convince the victim that the idea is genuinely his. But the dreams of Robert Fischer are not so or so . Even so or so . I'm pretty ... so.
People that floats! Uuuh, cool!
Without it except for the second dream, featuring Joseph Gordon-Levitt (in my opinion the only character with a truly three-dimensional and sympathetic) engaged in a floating hotel where there is no longer the force of gravity because of what's happening in the first dream, the other two dreams consist of a chase aboard a van and in a firefight that place in a fortress perched on a snowy mountain. The ironic thing is that the second dream begins to become really interesting when the dreamer if they have already gone in the third dream - that is when that other dream for him has ceased to exist! And there is very low touch points: Arthur in fact not only fights with people who actually do not really exist and which therefore do not give a damn, but when he puts out a game with a trick that takes advantage the paradox of the Escher staircase already shown in the training phase of Ariadne, exclaims: "Paradox". In short, the classic Hollywood legend disguised strophic one-liners that would otherwise take the audience too stupid to catch it yourself. In the world of
Inception dreams are not dreams at all, but something closer to reality - virtual worlds where anything can happen but with rules firmly and very rational, and not projecting anything of memories, fears and the thoughts of the dreamer, as it should be. The only presence is in the subconscious of anonymous passers / waiters / soldiers who live their dreams and attacking Cobb and Co. but in addition to playing the classic role of "bad-with-a-mira-of-shit" do little else.
Look segs
In Inception as there are criminals who do industrial espionage in the traditional way does not go out of fashion, celery and kidnap their victims to enter their dreams and recover there the information he needs. Then there are useless people who are recruited by the protagonist, in theory, everyone should have their special skills, but essentially do nothing but run and shoot at enemies that do not give a damn. All the most interesting things happen during the phase tutorial , but not during the actual story. Then there are dreams that seem to belong to a person with no imagination and a head full of firecrackers worse than Michael Bay. There is a girl who would think that will have a special role because, uh, is a girl, and there is a Japanese tycoon who for some odd reason he decides to get into first person in the dream of its competitor. There's a criminal gang composed of people better and more attractive since the days of Lupin III. There's also a pounding soundtrack by Hans Zimmer is always the same firing shots solemn horn even when there's nothing solemn. There is a mission of "engagement" boring (who cares to convince one to sign some papers to dismantle the company of his father?) which ends with the victim because he dreamed that his father loved him, then decides that his father loved him and that really has to dismantle its company ( eh?). To complete the picture there is a story of lost ammore interesting, but it drags on for so long and that at some point you hope that Orpheus remains there with his Eurydice in hell just to end it all.
The glass is half right or half wrong?
Inception is one of those movies that make me feel stupid. I admit it. The film was released a few days and seems to be already half cult. On Do the average is 9.3 and is third in the ranking of the 250 best films of all time. Internet is full of blogs that try to interpret the film and its ending, when it does not seem to me there is nothing on which to speculate too much. According to the Empire film is a masterpiece, and so many others. Why? I can not explain it. Everything is beautiful in this film is already in the trailer, the rest are just explanations and barrel. Maybe because people like to ultimately attract the fireworks, and the senseless dressing of words makes them feel intellectuals.
Apparently, however, are not quite fully only - there are other people to have serious doubts about the quality of this film. David Denby agree with me that seem to chase copied and pasted from other action movies that have nothing to do with this story, and that the villains are anonymous and insignificant, and wonders why Cobb's mission should involve the viewer emotionally. Robert Humanick even goes so far as to say that the spiegoni data from various characters are so many and such that appear to be non-playable characters taken from a video game action type Halo with the claims of sophistication. Michelle Alexandria ago like so many others a comparison (negative) Shutter Island, where Leonardo DiCaprio also had visions of a dead wife in a film that claimed to be intelligent without being accompanied by a soundtrack that does everything to try to build an air of importance. Like me, he also has problems with the characters, which should have specific roles but in the end simply do the same thing - to be around.
----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
+ The starting point + Some
is original as are the faces of children, ideas such as viruses and totem
+ Arthur, the character of Joseph Gordon-Levitt
+ The sequence that Arthur sees floating in a hotel
+ The final
- many unnecessary characters
- anonymous
Dreams - Soundtrack misused
- All the most interesting things happen during training
- Mission main non-emotionally involves
- A lot of corny spiegoni
- Plenty of fireworks at all
- Luuuuuungo!
From this movie I expected much, much, soooooo more. Instead I found an action movie of two hours packed with spiegoni, action scenes and anonymous sentimentality which claims to be the dream without being one. Everything that is beautiful in this film is already apparent in the trailer, which also has the advantage to finish in two minutes. As Michelle says Alexandria, Inception is a game full of noise signifying nothing.
Cobb is a thief of ideas. He is able to get along with his colleagues in the dreams of people like him who are connected to a special machine, and thus inverstiga firsthand their minds to obtain information otherwise inaccessible. It 's a tough job and risky, especially if the person you are trying to penetrate the mind has been trained to defend against this attack mental - or if the thief suffer from the same that led him to materialize ghosts of his past to 'inside the dream that distract him from his work. Even more difficult is to enter ideas rather than remove them, because you have to convince the person involved that the idea comes from themselves and not by outsiders. Cobb was taken over by wealthy Japanese tycoon Saito enters the mind of the child because of its largest competitor, the young Robert Fischer, and convinced of his own accord to dismantle the multinational empire built by his father.

The mental health of an extractor as Cobb depends totem, an object can tell when you are actually in reality rather than a dream.
director Christopher Nolan is a particular. In fact, his career has always made films very interesting from the point of view and narrative that have always marked for the attention given to the exploration of the psychology of characters. However, in my opinion, has never particularly distinguished for his shots. At least, when I think of his films (I've seen all except the first, Following ) I will always think of stories and characters, but never really picture worthy of note. Since Inception trailer just seemed that this time the director would finally accompanied the "psychological story" even in large sequences.

A road that turns back on itself - one of the most spectacular images of the film ... and even more unnecessary for narrative
The problem is that Inception is a film about the dreams he has little dream. Cobb spends the first hour of the film to explain how his work, what happens and what you risk when you infiltrate the dream of a person, how do we obtain information through this technique, and those who need to realize this mission of "graft." During this first part, expenses, among other things also to train the young to do Ariadne "architect's dream," we will see buildings that bend, fruit exploding mirrors that open roads and loops that represent the dreamer's subconscious ready to attack as they infiltrated the antibodies of the mind. When the mission begins true then one would expect to see phenomenal things, given that it was spending an hour just to prepare the ground ... but no. The mission consists in accomplishing three dreams within each other, because (for some reason not very clear to me) this would have to convince the victim that the idea is genuinely his. But the dreams of Robert Fischer are not so or so . Even so or so . I'm pretty ... so.

People that floats! Uuuh, cool!
Without it except for the second dream, featuring Joseph Gordon-Levitt (in my opinion the only character with a truly three-dimensional and sympathetic) engaged in a floating hotel where there is no longer the force of gravity because of what's happening in the first dream, the other two dreams consist of a chase aboard a van and in a firefight that place in a fortress perched on a snowy mountain. The ironic thing is that the second dream begins to become really interesting when the dreamer if they have already gone in the third dream - that is when that other dream for him has ceased to exist! And there is very low touch points: Arthur in fact not only fights with people who actually do not really exist and which therefore do not give a damn, but when he puts out a game with a trick that takes advantage the paradox of the Escher staircase already shown in the training phase of Ariadne, exclaims: "Paradox". In short, the classic Hollywood legend disguised strophic one-liners that would otherwise take the audience too stupid to catch it yourself. In the world of
Inception dreams are not dreams at all, but something closer to reality - virtual worlds where anything can happen but with rules firmly and very rational, and not projecting anything of memories, fears and the thoughts of the dreamer, as it should be. The only presence is in the subconscious of anonymous passers / waiters / soldiers who live their dreams and attacking Cobb and Co. but in addition to playing the classic role of "bad-with-a-mira-of-shit" do little else.

Look segs
In Inception as there are criminals who do industrial espionage in the traditional way does not go out of fashion, celery and kidnap their victims to enter their dreams and recover there the information he needs. Then there are useless people who are recruited by the protagonist, in theory, everyone should have their special skills, but essentially do nothing but run and shoot at enemies that do not give a damn. All the most interesting things happen during the phase tutorial , but not during the actual story. Then there are dreams that seem to belong to a person with no imagination and a head full of firecrackers worse than Michael Bay. There is a girl who would think that will have a special role because, uh, is a girl, and there is a Japanese tycoon who for some odd reason he decides to get into first person in the dream of its competitor. There's a criminal gang composed of people better and more attractive since the days of Lupin III. There's also a pounding soundtrack by Hans Zimmer is always the same firing shots solemn horn even when there's nothing solemn. There is a mission of "engagement" boring (who cares to convince one to sign some papers to dismantle the company of his father?) which ends with the victim because he dreamed that his father loved him, then decides that his father loved him and that really has to dismantle its company ( eh?). To complete the picture there is a story of lost ammore interesting, but it drags on for so long and that at some point you hope that Orpheus remains there with his Eurydice in hell just to end it all.

The glass is half right or half wrong?
Inception is one of those movies that make me feel stupid. I admit it. The film was released a few days and seems to be already half cult. On Do the average is 9.3 and is third in the ranking of the 250 best films of all time. Internet is full of blogs that try to interpret the film and its ending, when it does not seem to me there is nothing on which to speculate too much. According to the Empire film is a masterpiece, and so many others. Why? I can not explain it. Everything is beautiful in this film is already in the trailer, the rest are just explanations and barrel. Maybe because people like to ultimately attract the fireworks, and the senseless dressing of words makes them feel intellectuals.
Apparently, however, are not quite fully only - there are other people to have serious doubts about the quality of this film. David Denby agree with me that seem to chase copied and pasted from other action movies that have nothing to do with this story, and that the villains are anonymous and insignificant, and wonders why Cobb's mission should involve the viewer emotionally. Robert Humanick even goes so far as to say that the spiegoni data from various characters are so many and such that appear to be non-playable characters taken from a video game action type Halo with the claims of sophistication. Michelle Alexandria ago like so many others a comparison (negative) Shutter Island, where Leonardo DiCaprio also had visions of a dead wife in a film that claimed to be intelligent without being accompanied by a soundtrack that does everything to try to build an air of importance. Like me, he also has problems with the characters, which should have specific roles but in the end simply do the same thing - to be around.
+ The starting point + Some
is original as are the faces of children, ideas such as viruses and totem
+ Arthur, the character of Joseph Gordon-Levitt
+ The sequence that Arthur sees floating in a hotel
+ The final
- many unnecessary characters
- anonymous
Dreams - Soundtrack misused
- All the most interesting things happen during training
- Mission main non-emotionally involves
- A lot of corny spiegoni
- Plenty of fireworks at all
- Luuuuuungo!
From this movie I expected much, much, soooooo more. Instead I found an action movie of two hours packed with spiegoni, action scenes and anonymous sentimentality which claims to be the dream without being one. Everything that is beautiful in this film is already apparent in the trailer, which also has the advantage to finish in two minutes. As Michelle says Alexandria, Inception is a game full of noise signifying nothing.