Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Homemade Vhf Uhf Transformer

It 's just incredible, to say nothing of how sad and cruel ...

The story of Daryl Atkins (from Corriere today) 27 years, sentenced to death for murder, but suspended the sentence because his IQ was no more than 59 points. Under the share of the 100 takes the difference: "normal" or "mentally retarded".
A court in Virginia had nevertheless given the death penalty for the crime committed, but his lawyers managed to stop the Executioner in 2002: the Supreme Court stated that the mentally retarded could not be executed in America, which is why tens of prisoners were released, thanks to Daryl.

Last month the ruling: Daryl has passed the test, it is now "fit to die," right to die.

Now, surely the crime committed by Daryl is serious, very serious: remove the life of another person is a crime that should be punished heavily.
start from the fact that I am against the death penalty, but we also accept that in America there, ok ...
sentenced him to death, is your law, that's fine, but keep a person on death row all this time, "it becomes more intelligent," prepare for death, to adapt it to death ...
There is too much?


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