The end of Lost - look at your own risk!
In the upcoming DVD will be a culmination of the unprecedented duration of 20 minutes.
After six long years, has finally reached the last episode of Lost . Rethinking the beginning of this series means to rethink 2004, when I was still in the upper house in two years we had satellite TV and had just moved from Tele to Sky +. The comic monthly subscribers this new show was advertised mainly focusing on the presence of Dominic Monhagan, thanks to the success of The Lord of the Rings . I remember looking advertising with suspicion, because as they spoke seemed to be the TV version of Cast Away, and it was not clear if there were elements of the paranormal or not. I watched a few clips from the episode by chance (I think the first episode I saw was "The Moth" ) and I was completely bewildered: I could not understand what relationship there was between the people on the island and those others that led to their normal life around the world.
Locke and Jack opened the Pandora's box to their personal end of Exodus.
Then I looked a bit 'more regularly, until I saw the episode where Jack and Locke opened the hatch and peering inside. I was thunderstruck. She was born an obsession, fueled further by the good old Andrew, who told me what he had read the second season already aired in the U.S.. When in 2006, the U.S. went there in person, I sent it to my guests this dependence, with whom I was fortunate enough to watch live the third, a beautiful season. The fourth season began to be a little 'indigestible, but despite the problems of the Oceanic Six be tedious to me, what happened on the island still excites. Instead I began to feel a genuine sense of disappointment during the fifth season, when after the first exciting episodes seemed Lost was intended to countless episodes filler in which the mysteries continued to accumulate on one another while our heroes are put to work as mechanics and janitors throwing all the opportunity in the wind to investigate directly the DHARMA Initiative.
The Man in Black and Jacob, the demigods of the island, at the beginning of The Incident.
At the end of the fifth season the level of Mindfuck was at stratospheric levels. You begin to see some holes in the plot, but the wonderful finale seemed to promise a great sixth season and forgive the mediocrity of the previous installments. The past glories of this wonderful series and gave hope that, despite sounding far-fetched, all the pieces were going to place in the last 18 episodes. Unfortunately, however, as the sixth season progressed, it became increasingly clear that not only Lost had changed, but the answers that the audience had coveted for so long would never arrive.
Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, the two main writers
On Lostpedia Forum Italian Dharmilla the user makes a reconstruction of the production of Lost based on "real news and interviews, and never contradicted." Some of these stories were already known to me and sometimes not, and since in his speech is not cited no source, this reconstruction must be taken with a grain of salt. The true history of this production, know only JJ Abrams, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, and most likely if the door in the tomb. However, if this reconstruction is reliable can be inferred four things. The first is that it is absolutely true that the writers had such a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhere they wanted to end up at the end of their history as for many years continued to support. The second, which was built Lost chasing the market, keeping the unsolved mysteries as long as possible to keep the audience constantly tense. The third, the writers have lied all the time who said that with Lost wanted to tell "their" history as a real history do not have ever had, but they gradually built, among other things, and also creating several holes in the plot. The fourth, that the people most affectionate to the characters and the story of Lost were spectators and not the writers, when they realized that to have a hen that lays golden eggs for the hands they have exploited to the last. When it came time to put together all the pieces have come to realize that was impossible, they went into a panic and have concluded their work as the amateur writers fanfiction and not by professionals. From aspiring writer which I have to admit that somehow it is comforting to know that you can make millions of dollars throwing together unrelated visions of everything and then come up on stage so easily, but which I was a spectator I can not help but feel betrayed and insulted.
The book taken from the book Things I Noticed of Vozzek69
More or less by the fourth season then I read the blog regularly on the British DarkUFO interventions weekly "theoretical" Vozzek69, who in his book Things I Noticed demonstrated ability indifferent observer, pointing out how they worked the various narrative techniques used to tell Lost, and as there were common elements that made sense that sooner or later These would culminate in a final revelation. Vozzek69 has remained faithful to Lost to the last, and stated that the last episode he liked very much, despite the writers have thrown more than half of the show in the wind. In reading his last two speeches I thought I saw a lover who tries to justify the actions of the woman who betrayed him because they are still confused and in disbelief. I find it ridiculous that a man with so much knowledge and such a great sense of observation will launch along with the rest of the mass in a useless search for the hidden meaning of Lost . If there is a solid story behind, there can be no interpretation!
Whose profile was implied in Jacob's cabin during The Man Behind the Curtain?
The writers have always said that for them the most important thing Lost were the characters and the mysteries. What would also be acceptable, except that the fourth season in then did not deny that this position. One of the best things for me in this series, and I have also strongly contruibuito to make it the success it was, is that during his first three seasons he had always taken all the time that he wanted to tell calmly and in detail the stories and relationships of his characters, which evolve as their past was afloat and clashed with the events of the island. Even when they realized they had committed egregious error introduced Nikki and Paulo have bothered to devote a special episode before you remove them From the fourth season onwards, however, everything began to move at double speed: the characters are been advanced by force (Jack), making their number roughly skimmed die at any moment (Dogen, Ilana; Charles Widmore), and some was also done to change this behavior, all of a sudden, without any real justification, simply because they proved useful for purposes of plot (Sayid). Without counting the absurdity of the question of rules: in the beginning had to be something involving Linus and Widmore, was then passed on to Jacob and the Man in Black, again without explaining their true reason for being. The rules were useful for you to return the characters to behave in that way, but in reality had ceased to respect them even if they might not have happened at all.
Mr. Eko encountered the Monster in The 23rd Psalm
An equally serious error was then at the last moment to introduce the characters of Jacob and the Man in Black when there were only 18 episodes, very little to evolve with complete and correct everything that had been built and left unresolved in the previous one hundred and passes. Though I have found commendable that the Man in Black has been managed so as to make understandable and sometimes even shared his actions, rather than present it as the classic Bad Enemy (several times during the sixth season I found myself siding more to he and Jacob), the His stories have failed to interest me through. First of all, the fact that embodied the body of John Locke was misleading. Though it was nice to have Terry O'Quinn yet despite his character had died, someone else was for me to consider it as a source of confusion. Then, his presence debunked the whole story of the Monster, who for five long years had been presented as the guardian of the island as an entity and impartial and non-human, whereas in the sixth season but became a man so strong too much whining. Even its origins in the cave of light were hasty and unexplained, and its links with the Egyptian mythology almost thrown to the winds.
The heart of the island revealed
Across the Sea "What's there?" Asked the young mother to Jacob when brought before the cave that is the heart of gold 'Island. "Life, death and rebirth," replied the mother. In short, a bit 'what the fuck you want. Jumble of abstract concepts put together just to fill his mouth and give a semblance of mystical answer. And with these three words, Lindelof and Cuse give viewers Lost all the answer to the mysteries of their show: it's fucking you like, people. Shut up buckets, buy our products and put on your heart in peace, so that this is fiction . But because they are good, do it with style, and after sending the last episode of the series very conveniently swear to go to silence the press and never to reveal their interpretation of history and its mysteries (I imagine them escaping me Craxi abroad with money type). They had lived two thousand years ago, probably the Bible would have a few more in the Gospels. Two thousand years ago, however, hardly have done the same money - which will continue to increase with the sale of DVD and official guide.
"Fate Found," read the official poster the sixth and final season of the show. Mha.
I originally intended this action as a simple list of holes in the plot of Lost that have become such simply because in the end there has been no sense of them. Then I realized that not only the list would have been literally endless, but that would not even pregnant. So I decided instead to share with you my views on the series in general and its production. Since studying cinema and live with Beppe in charge of marketing, I am increasingly aware of how what is being proposed to the movies and on television is primarily dictated by the market rather than something that resulted from the mind of someone who really wants to tell a good story well. Lost looked like a white fly, a quality product in the midst of so much stuff that can re-evaluate the kind of show, but like other series before it ( Twin Peaks, The X-Files ; Alias \u200b\u200b; The Sopranos ) is playing so beautifully and so much has been done wrong.
Benjamin Linus active in the Frozen Donkey Wheel There's No Place Like Home.
For me Lost lies unfinished in a limbo of fiction abandoned when Ben turned the wheel ice that is below the Orchid station and moved the Island. I like to think there, in this gray and foggy place, waiting for someone to move up and concludes that he was keeping in mind its original spirit. Probably will never happen, but I wonder if anything in the future if someone decides to redraw this show and groped a reboot. No one will ever be able to match that of figures such as Michael Emerson, but perhaps you will find a compromise, perhaps creating a cartoon that would be nice although not as much cheaper and not be confronted by problems such as the uncontrollable growth of an actor as a young Malcolm David Kelly, or abandonment a key member of the cast as Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. And if I ever will, I hope that this time is not used again in a pathetic excuse like "it was all a dream" or "in fact we were in Purgatory."

Locke and Jack opened the Pandora's box to their personal end of Exodus.
Then I looked a bit 'more regularly, until I saw the episode where Jack and Locke opened the hatch and peering inside. I was thunderstruck. She was born an obsession, fueled further by the good old Andrew, who told me what he had read the second season already aired in the U.S.. When in 2006, the U.S. went there in person, I sent it to my guests this dependence, with whom I was fortunate enough to watch live the third, a beautiful season. The fourth season began to be a little 'indigestible, but despite the problems of the Oceanic Six be tedious to me, what happened on the island still excites. Instead I began to feel a genuine sense of disappointment during the fifth season, when after the first exciting episodes seemed Lost was intended to countless episodes filler in which the mysteries continued to accumulate on one another while our heroes are put to work as mechanics and janitors throwing all the opportunity in the wind to investigate directly the DHARMA Initiative.

The Man in Black and Jacob, the demigods of the island, at the beginning of The Incident.
At the end of the fifth season the level of Mindfuck was at stratospheric levels. You begin to see some holes in the plot, but the wonderful finale seemed to promise a great sixth season and forgive the mediocrity of the previous installments. The past glories of this wonderful series and gave hope that, despite sounding far-fetched, all the pieces were going to place in the last 18 episodes. Unfortunately, however, as the sixth season progressed, it became increasingly clear that not only Lost had changed, but the answers that the audience had coveted for so long would never arrive.

Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, the two main writers
On Lostpedia Forum Italian Dharmilla the user makes a reconstruction of the production of Lost based on "real news and interviews, and never contradicted." Some of these stories were already known to me and sometimes not, and since in his speech is not cited no source, this reconstruction must be taken with a grain of salt. The true history of this production, know only JJ Abrams, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, and most likely if the door in the tomb. However, if this reconstruction is reliable can be inferred four things. The first is that it is absolutely true that the writers had such a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhere they wanted to end up at the end of their history as for many years continued to support. The second, which was built Lost chasing the market, keeping the unsolved mysteries as long as possible to keep the audience constantly tense. The third, the writers have lied all the time who said that with Lost wanted to tell "their" history as a real history do not have ever had, but they gradually built, among other things, and also creating several holes in the plot. The fourth, that the people most affectionate to the characters and the story of Lost were spectators and not the writers, when they realized that to have a hen that lays golden eggs for the hands they have exploited to the last. When it came time to put together all the pieces have come to realize that was impossible, they went into a panic and have concluded their work as the amateur writers fanfiction and not by professionals. From aspiring writer which I have to admit that somehow it is comforting to know that you can make millions of dollars throwing together unrelated visions of everything and then come up on stage so easily, but which I was a spectator I can not help but feel betrayed and insulted.

The book taken from the book Things I Noticed of Vozzek69
More or less by the fourth season then I read the blog regularly on the British DarkUFO interventions weekly "theoretical" Vozzek69, who in his book Things I Noticed demonstrated ability indifferent observer, pointing out how they worked the various narrative techniques used to tell Lost, and as there were common elements that made sense that sooner or later These would culminate in a final revelation. Vozzek69 has remained faithful to Lost to the last, and stated that the last episode he liked very much, despite the writers have thrown more than half of the show in the wind. In reading his last two speeches I thought I saw a lover who tries to justify the actions of the woman who betrayed him because they are still confused and in disbelief. I find it ridiculous that a man with so much knowledge and such a great sense of observation will launch along with the rest of the mass in a useless search for the hidden meaning of Lost . If there is a solid story behind, there can be no interpretation!

Whose profile was implied in Jacob's cabin during The Man Behind the Curtain?
The writers have always said that for them the most important thing Lost were the characters and the mysteries. What would also be acceptable, except that the fourth season in then did not deny that this position. One of the best things for me in this series, and I have also strongly contruibuito to make it the success it was, is that during his first three seasons he had always taken all the time that he wanted to tell calmly and in detail the stories and relationships of his characters, which evolve as their past was afloat and clashed with the events of the island. Even when they realized they had committed egregious error introduced Nikki and Paulo have bothered to devote a special episode before you remove them From the fourth season onwards, however, everything began to move at double speed: the characters are been advanced by force (Jack), making their number roughly skimmed die at any moment (Dogen, Ilana; Charles Widmore), and some was also done to change this behavior, all of a sudden, without any real justification, simply because they proved useful for purposes of plot (Sayid). Without counting the absurdity of the question of rules: in the beginning had to be something involving Linus and Widmore, was then passed on to Jacob and the Man in Black, again without explaining their true reason for being. The rules were useful for you to return the characters to behave in that way, but in reality had ceased to respect them even if they might not have happened at all.

Mr. Eko encountered the Monster in The 23rd Psalm
An equally serious error was then at the last moment to introduce the characters of Jacob and the Man in Black when there were only 18 episodes, very little to evolve with complete and correct everything that had been built and left unresolved in the previous one hundred and passes. Though I have found commendable that the Man in Black has been managed so as to make understandable and sometimes even shared his actions, rather than present it as the classic Bad Enemy (several times during the sixth season I found myself siding more to he and Jacob), the His stories have failed to interest me through. First of all, the fact that embodied the body of John Locke was misleading. Though it was nice to have Terry O'Quinn yet despite his character had died, someone else was for me to consider it as a source of confusion. Then, his presence debunked the whole story of the Monster, who for five long years had been presented as the guardian of the island as an entity and impartial and non-human, whereas in the sixth season but became a man so strong too much whining. Even its origins in the cave of light were hasty and unexplained, and its links with the Egyptian mythology almost thrown to the winds.

The heart of the island revealed
Across the Sea "What's there?" Asked the young mother to Jacob when brought before the cave that is the heart of gold 'Island. "Life, death and rebirth," replied the mother. In short, a bit 'what the fuck you want. Jumble of abstract concepts put together just to fill his mouth and give a semblance of mystical answer. And with these three words, Lindelof and Cuse give viewers Lost all the answer to the mysteries of their show: it's fucking you like, people. Shut up buckets, buy our products and put on your heart in peace, so that this is fiction . But because they are good, do it with style, and after sending the last episode of the series very conveniently swear to go to silence the press and never to reveal their interpretation of history and its mysteries (I imagine them escaping me Craxi abroad with money type). They had lived two thousand years ago, probably the Bible would have a few more in the Gospels. Two thousand years ago, however, hardly have done the same money - which will continue to increase with the sale of DVD and official guide.

"Fate Found," read the official poster the sixth and final season of the show. Mha.
I originally intended this action as a simple list of holes in the plot of Lost that have become such simply because in the end there has been no sense of them. Then I realized that not only the list would have been literally endless, but that would not even pregnant. So I decided instead to share with you my views on the series in general and its production. Since studying cinema and live with Beppe in charge of marketing, I am increasingly aware of how what is being proposed to the movies and on television is primarily dictated by the market rather than something that resulted from the mind of someone who really wants to tell a good story well. Lost looked like a white fly, a quality product in the midst of so much stuff that can re-evaluate the kind of show, but like other series before it ( Twin Peaks, The X-Files ; Alias \u200b\u200b; The Sopranos ) is playing so beautifully and so much has been done wrong.

Benjamin Linus active in the Frozen Donkey Wheel There's No Place Like Home.
For me Lost lies unfinished in a limbo of fiction abandoned when Ben turned the wheel ice that is below the Orchid station and moved the Island. I like to think there, in this gray and foggy place, waiting for someone to move up and concludes that he was keeping in mind its original spirit. Probably will never happen, but I wonder if anything in the future if someone decides to redraw this show and groped a reboot. No one will ever be able to match that of figures such as Michael Emerson, but perhaps you will find a compromise, perhaps creating a cartoon that would be nice although not as much cheaper and not be confronted by problems such as the uncontrollable growth of an actor as a young Malcolm David Kelly, or abandonment a key member of the cast as Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. And if I ever will, I hope that this time is not used again in a pathetic excuse like "it was all a dream" or "in fact we were in Purgatory."