Sunday, May 9, 2010

Insignia Portable Dvd Player Says No Disc

other interesting things

E 'by a lot of time that I do not update this blog as they should, and I have no excuse for my absence. Especially given the fact that lately I have seen three films (The Joneses , Dogtooth and (500) Days of Summer *), each worthy of a review, for different reasons.

When I am finished with the university will do everything to get to work on these reviews and on others, including Adaptation and the upcoming Robin Hood . But for now I would like to tell you two trailers. The first is to Inception , the new film by Christopher Nolan.

The director of Memento and ** de The Dark Knight is back with a new psychological thriller in which Leonardo DiCaprio plays a thief who gets in people's minds while he was asleep to steal their ideas. As you can see from the trailer and dreamlike sequences crazy out there, and everything seems to promise a great movie. If I ruin this Nolan, will haunt him worse than the songs of Mark Charter on Italian radio.

The second trailer is that instead of Super 8 , new film by JJ Abrams produced with Steven Spielberg. For a while, 'it was rumored that the new draft was supersegretissimo Abrams Cloverfield 2 , but JJ has confirmed that this is an original and not a sequel. The story appears to be set in the '70s and revolves around a group of friends who notice the presence of an alien creature in one of the shots of the film which was filmed in the forest with a Super 8 camera. The similarities Cloverfield are many: although the trailer makes you think otherwise, there are rumors that the film will be shot again with an amateur camera style Blair Witch Project, and the way I like JJ to promote the film to be released summer 2011 was organized viral marketing. Even here, we hope that it comes out a beautiful thing, because Cloverfield the end was very little smoke and roast.

* translated into Italian with the horrible title (500) Days of , and changed the name of the protagonist in an even more horrendous in "sun".
** Ilde this trailer I reported here thinking about you.


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