Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One Liner Congratulations Baby

acceptance of waste at landfill

After a wait that has lasted over a year, was finally published in the Official Journal of 1 December 2010, Dm 27 September 2010 on the revision of the eligibility criteria of the landfill waste. The wait
by firms, supervisory authorities and the local communities was high, especially in relation to the issue of eligibility discharge of "sludge" of different origin, a mainly organic matrix.

decree of 27 September 2010, in addition to correcting the obvious errors and inaccuracies contained in the previous Dm August 3, 2005, makes the national rule on the eligibility of the waste dump more responsive to the guidelines (Decision 2003/33/EC) and especially tend to solve the problem related to the landfill to dispose of sewage sludge in organic matrix that under the previous legislation, could not be admitted because of the high value of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is usually performed.


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