Thursday, October 8, 2009

How To Get Loose Stools

Lens + Crafts Post-Production Crafts

On Tuesday is a busy day for me, as I see busy with three hours of lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon, but it has the great advantage of being followed by two days completely free, which is useful in the future I will return to study and to dedicate the various projects that my course demands.

The morning is occupied by the teaching of Lens Crafts & Sound, which should instruct on the operation and use of cameras, lights and microphones, along with the recording technique and recording, which means that there will be just how it works the various instruments, but also how to make the shots better. During our first lesson, plus a speech Introductory Rite, our professor explained the basic principals shots - close up big (detail), close up (first floor), mid shot (middle field), long shot (long range) and very long shot (long range). They followed an explanation of how to organize the footage and watching a short documentary on how you can manage the shots and the effect that a detail rather than a mean field in terms of emotional impact. Although it has been a small appetizer, it was very interesting start to see what made into a film involves many rules and tricks very simple and needs used to manufacture a decent product. For example, the rule of 180 degrees : When they film two people are talking at each other, the camera must always be on the same side of the imaginary line that unites them, otherwise the viewer experiences a disorientation.

The lesson of the afternoon Post-Production Crafts held by the same professor L & SCs , focuses instead on the assembly (so much so that this teaching had to be called Editing , but sounded a little pompous, as explained by the teacher himself - post-production actual assembly process involves many more, even much more complex). During this insegnameto we will use the computers provided by the university to mount what they're shooting during the Tuesday morning and other days of the week. Before Christmas, in fact I expect a great group project!

During the introductory lesson, however, we did not put hand or the cameras or computers, but was given to us a brief description of what has been the history of cinema, and of how strongly depended on the invention of the assembly. When the Lumière brothers invented the camera, in fact, had not thought that was what this movie could be combined with any other shot, going to create a sequence of different scenes. Incredibly, Auguste and Louis after their fun with the invention were made to take the disappointment because we are convinced that cinema is not nothing but a scientific curiosity, and that he had no future commercial!

The course is very intriguing prospect, hopefully good! A
tomorrow Design for the Moving Image !


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