Saturday, October 10, 2009

Letter Of Completion Of Community Service Hours

Design for the Moving Image & Sound

Once Upon a Time in the West

My Friday afternoon is occupied by two hours Design for the Moving Image , face teaching to explain the management of space to compose images and sequences with a strong emotional impact. The first lesson he has introduced some of the key points to consider when composing a picture: the lines, the shape, volume, surface and pattern. We were invited to think together with our neighbor's place we had seen a film in which these elements were used in a particularly effective way. I just returned from the vision of Kubrick's Space Odyssey, I could not take away from the head lines of the Star Gate sequence and the shape of the Black Monolith Some have named the sequence of American Beauty roses regarding surface and available, while for a particular use of the lines was quoted The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari , German silent film of 1920. The teacher then showed us the first fifteen minutes of Once Upon a Time in the West to let us see how Sergio Leone was very attentive to the management of space, and as the arrangement of elements within his images convey precise messages, so you do not need any dialogue on the part of the characters to express tension, loneliness, and heat. Before concluding the lesson, the teacher asked us to leave the street for about twenty minutes looking for shapes and surfaces that attract our attention. His goal was to demonstrate how each environment (in this case, the industrial town) had its lines and shapes applicants (In this case a lot of straight lines and few curves).

During this training you will be prompted to dial a sketchbook in which we draw or photograph sequences that best describes the activities provided by a screenplay that will be delivered. Although this teaching sounds very interesting, I can not wait to take action. It scares me but the fact that compared to Italian university that claims far more independence from the British students, and often not to be told exactly what we must do so outright.

In the meantime, let's see.


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