Thursday, October 22, 2009

Best Way To Put Vhs To Digital


Today first day of filming! For the course
Lens & Sound Crafts I had to shoot six scenes that, once assembled, will form a short sequence of 45 seconds. It is not of nothing special, it's just an exercise to see if we can manage the camera, so much so that once shot and edited this scene there is not even evaluated. To help me in an incredible undertaking, Group 102 , the team we are part of me and four other girls - of which not a single English! Although maybe I'd better tell the other three members of my team, as a preferred last night getting drunk with vodka and now had too much headache for us ...

The scene is shot, ironically written by the component is absent today, sees the American woman of our group for some wandering the streets of London in search of a way. At one point collides with the girl Hungary, which he shows that is right under the sign of the street looking for: the goal is reached and the movie is finished.

To register less than eight minutes of film (of which during assembly will be used only 45 seconds, as I said), we have spent something like two hours. In fact, I expected much worse. Probably we would have spent less if our teacher had taught us how to properly use the stand, that instead what we have been taught by the technician in charge of managing the equipment that the university once we have returned the camera ... and we would have spent even less time if I had some delusions of perfectionism and Beppe very well known to all other friends who have had the unfortunate idea to say yes when I asked him to lend themselves as actors for Dark ! My international team is slowly learning to hate me, but I think that even if you complain when I ask the fifth take the rest are happy to work with me as I with them.

I'm happy with this first day, we worked well and has done something practical, that was exactly what I wanted. There is still a long way to go though before I can bring to the screen that I see inside my head. Often I happen to think a shot and not being able to play it perfectly as I would, because you the arrangement of elements, vertical and horizontal lines never properly aligned, or the wobbly stand. I also hope that in future the teacher told us to follow a bit 'more, because by the time it was a bit' constipated with instructions ...

And now, it's up to the assembly!


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