Friday, January 1, 2010

Tech Dck Fingersranking

good intentions

Life is full of good intentions: the man does nothing but analyze the situation which is and plan for the future, always full of anxiety and expectations. Nevertheless there may load of worry and anxiety, but we can not stop hoping for something different. In many cases, this 'habit' purely human is very positive - since it allows you to live with optimism and determination needed to acquire the companies to embark on challenging and expensive - in other respects, however, allows you to gain satisfaction that very important date dall'accontentarsi.

We continue, therefore, to design and create new ideas, to try to reach the size of the 'more' (the fad) that however, that gives us temporary relief - but how fleeting! - And helps us to endure the many daily harassment. Do not be surprised, then, that publications in psychology (or not) define depression as a modern evil, that was an increasing number of cases: neglecting the causes neurophysiological, it becomes very easy to be downhearted in a society that is characterized by the constant dissatisfaction and the endless search for more.

The lucky ones, however, escape the depression to reach the size of cyclothymia - one of the first stage leading to the manic-depressive illness: continue to oscillate between moments, days or weeks where you feel semi-gods and times when you are right in despair and believe that they can not achieve anything because of the lowest capacity to believe that they possess.

We are careful, then, in thinking about the classic 'good intentions' for the year that just started: Do not let pessimism and groped by the thought that we can always improve your condition (in many occasions, we were very happier than we can remember). Let the economists and financial experts to marketing, therefore, enjoy a healthy and concentrate on this normally oriented towards the future.


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