Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Get An Immunization Recordinontario

continues the series 'The Archive Series'


Next October 25th will continue the series Walt Disney Animation Studios The Archive Series with the volume entitled Layout & Background , after the three named Story, Animation and Design.

This fourth volume in the series The Archive Series exhibition in its 274 pages the art of scenic backgrounds and layout that gives each piece of Disney animation is a time and place.

The Animation Research Library and curator John Lassie, the Chief Creative Officer Walt Disney Animation Studios, have assembled more than 300 pieces of artwork from short films and animated Disney masterpieces from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to Rapunzel, and even the new Winnie the Pooh . With many double pages and several pages open, Backgrounds & Layouts includes both famous and unpublished works of great artists and painters of the layout of backgrounds such as Eyvind Earle, Claude Coats, Walter Peregoy, Maurice Noble, James Coleman, Serge Michaels, Al Dempster, Bill Layne, Art Riley, Brice Mack, Lisa Keene.

collectors and fans of animation can not be more amazed with the first three books in the series; and do not already see the time (like me) to add Backgrounds & Layouts their book collections.


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