bastards pay? Oriana Fallaci
Perhaps I exaggerate in the title, rather "The malice pay ?"...
Let me explain; lately I've just had the feeling of not being able to defend small, but repeated over time, bastardy that have made me worry and trouble.
The bastardy in question do not know if they are voluntary, though born of idiocy of the fund, or if they are coldly calculated, or simply if you just happen but could have been avoided and knowingly have closed my eyes ... I know that happened, and I, thanks to the good faith of which have always been proud of, I have not seen until it struck me.
is not the first time I think about it (you readers will think "but this is just cracked").
recap: in essence, fool me subtly, to be clear, and I realize only too late ...
First reaction: total incazzatura with those guilty of these behaviors, even more devious bastards because ...
things unsaid, not made, made late, without evil, hidden ...
works even become impossible to find, say something slightly different as it really is, but so we can say that you did not understand the difference is subtle ...
Second reaction: incazzatura with the world. Leave me alone, you're all on the prowl to fool me ...
Third reaction (stage) because did not you understand?
Where are you lost? What ring did not see as he broke ...
Maybe because you were not there physically, and even nonverbal behaviors could give you a clue ...
Maybe because you tend to trust people, but people do not deserve trust ...
Perhaps not a question of trust, but of overvaluation: intelligent people think and in fact they are not, they are mere pieces of idiocy walking ... Yet the conditions for instilling in you the conviction to talk to smart people and there were reliable. You have completely
stoner your ratings, although it seems absurd, even if usually a mistake, the mistake is never so glaring ...
What I ask is to live suspicious, vigilant, always with the suspicion that someone is not doing the right thing at the moment, is that right?
Indeed, more than fair, sustainable?
Take notes on every word spoken, every word that comes to that, write it all, eliminate verbal contact because "they are not sure," "prove nothing" ...
's sad ...
Maybe it's best behavior, surely this is my fourth reaction, however, is profoundly sad.
Maybe someone can think that these are speeches by naive children who still believe that men are all good, no, I do not think this ... But when these things happen, put into question all of your assessment on the people around you, and not a nice feeling ...
which then also say bastards ...
do not know if a behavior, as I described earlier, can be described as suspicious and vigilant bastard ...
What I fear is the evolution ...
It starts with being suspicious, then we always expect the worst, then you tend not to "help" people, because "if I were in trouble with cabbage that helps me this "...
Thursday, July 28, 2005
How Do I Stop A Nervous Stomach
and terrorism ...
inspired by ' article written by Ms Fallaci after the events in London.
She says, is that four years repeats the same things ... I'll admit
already by now: I do not like Fallaci's views on the terrorism discourse, Islam, war, etc. ...
I think he makes some mistake, Apart from ideas, just expressing:
1) victim forever ... She is always that everyone is talking about evil, but that is always right ...
fills her articles explaining how much she is hated for what he says ... I do not think, if in Italy there is a newspaper that provides you with four pages, not columns, pages, say what you think it means that people, even if you disagree, you read, I do not see any this exclusion, hatred ...
2) Modes: 4 pages probably merits whether it is because you hit ... The way to hit Oriana Fallaci is largely formed by the effects caused by his words. Use strong words, strong concepts, details, and speaks in every way with a considerable force, perhaps admirable ... But there are just different ways of saying things, be calm, "kind", clear, calm, does not mean being "spineless" or not believe what they say. But perhaps to sell some more copies using certain words, certain concepts ... (You can not expect to write well and in return receive only compliments).
These errors in my background ... If we turn the ideas we are in democracy, and you can agree or not, I do not agree on many points.
First of all, you can not just passing of sentences: I do not agree? I think that you are not doing enough against terrorism? That the Italians are all cowards and fight the enemy instead of sheltering him and help him?
right, legitimate review, but instead of giving the ruling daily, why not write one, but a single, practical solution?
No, instead it is better to make judgments, so everyone will recognize what I write.
The Muslims are all bad, as they plot behind us, we will make all out ... Again, shared by some, but Ms Fallaci should know that the priority now is to do something, protect, act ...
giving your solution instead of giving only his judgments.
We should reduce our democracy? Maybe he wants to say that Ms Fallaci.
change our laws, not more tolerant, to treat Muslims as if they were all our enemies, even the most unexpected, just because they are hitting us.
's arguments? With the Islamists can not talk ...
Ah Well, it seems obvious: you do not want Islam to speak with me, then I become like you, refuse dialogue, and woe betide you if you set foot in Italy, or, as in Italy are there, you oversee 24 hours 24 ...
I hope I did not understand ...
Democracy is our strength. We live free in a free country (so to speak), where people can express their views (and it is futile for Fallaci continue to complain that all the bad deal for what it says; I repeat: 4 pages of Corriere ...).
to defend ourselves if we have to fear, stay at home, search all, where are we going to end?
That would be the real victory of terrorism ... We would live like them, with fear, without guaranteed personal freedoms, and allow our "leaders" to trample on our freedom to do what he likes, so we are afraid, you do whatever you like, but we are safe ...
I know, I'm talking about jumping from one topic to another, but really it all seems so absurd.
solutions to this problem are difficult to find. I also fear that the next target will be Italy, but as long as you continue to analyze the problem starting with Bin Laden and it is difficult to understand, especially to solve ...
Fallaci but she has already learned all, thank goodness ... Instead of giving his prophecies also tell us how to avoid them, because as you say you always come true.
This time prophesy that will affect our art, to inflame Muslims against hitting centuries of history ... Maybe going to happen, I do not know, I think the Duomo in Florence, the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Who knows where these prophecies come Fallaci (suggesting an article on the site ).
We remember (even I had once connected) that Fallaci lives in the U.S., and perhaps his views do not come from his speeches clear, based on "truth" that says you know ... The American Truth? Mah ..
If the newspapers will stop to rhetoric, to write the usual phrases to sell, Aiazzi people of racism (in some parts of our north we are missing only that someone going in that direction), only a few of the devil more copies ...
We are not racist, I do not hope we will become.
check does not mean distrust of anyone who has the features Middle Eastern ...
I can understand the shock of those who post attack on the subway traveling there every day, maybe the bags on the train with suspicion, but from here, exploiting the anxieties of the people, you can not reach other conclusions.
With them you can not talk Fallaci says, then we should stop trying, rather, to try and continue to do so is our biggest mistake, it turns out, weakens us.
I disagree. With what we should resolve the situation then?
who seek to understand first is that it makes more money from all this terror.
Who uses this terror, who benefits, who uses it as sorry ...
Perhaps we would understand many things, Ms Fallaci (good old days when he wrote books and did not write about politics, and I say this having read his books ...).
Ms Fallaci had better, in my humble opinion, to direct all the anger showing in his articles against other targets, against anyone who is really guilty of all that she condemns ...
inspired by ' article written by Ms Fallaci after the events in London.
She says, is that four years repeats the same things ... I'll admit
already by now: I do not like Fallaci's views on the terrorism discourse, Islam, war, etc. ...
I think he makes some mistake, Apart from ideas, just expressing:
1) victim forever ... She is always that everyone is talking about evil, but that is always right ...
fills her articles explaining how much she is hated for what he says ... I do not think, if in Italy there is a newspaper that provides you with four pages, not columns, pages, say what you think it means that people, even if you disagree, you read, I do not see any this exclusion, hatred ...
2) Modes: 4 pages probably merits whether it is because you hit ... The way to hit Oriana Fallaci is largely formed by the effects caused by his words. Use strong words, strong concepts, details, and speaks in every way with a considerable force, perhaps admirable ... But there are just different ways of saying things, be calm, "kind", clear, calm, does not mean being "spineless" or not believe what they say. But perhaps to sell some more copies using certain words, certain concepts ... (You can not expect to write well and in return receive only compliments).
These errors in my background ... If we turn the ideas we are in democracy, and you can agree or not, I do not agree on many points.
First of all, you can not just passing of sentences: I do not agree? I think that you are not doing enough against terrorism? That the Italians are all cowards and fight the enemy instead of sheltering him and help him?
right, legitimate review, but instead of giving the ruling daily, why not write one, but a single, practical solution?
No, instead it is better to make judgments, so everyone will recognize what I write.
The Muslims are all bad, as they plot behind us, we will make all out ... Again, shared by some, but Ms Fallaci should know that the priority now is to do something, protect, act ...
giving your solution instead of giving only his judgments.
We should reduce our democracy? Maybe he wants to say that Ms Fallaci.
change our laws, not more tolerant, to treat Muslims as if they were all our enemies, even the most unexpected, just because they are hitting us.
's arguments? With the Islamists can not talk ...
Ah Well, it seems obvious: you do not want Islam to speak with me, then I become like you, refuse dialogue, and woe betide you if you set foot in Italy, or, as in Italy are there, you oversee 24 hours 24 ...
I hope I did not understand ...
Democracy is our strength. We live free in a free country (so to speak), where people can express their views (and it is futile for Fallaci continue to complain that all the bad deal for what it says; I repeat: 4 pages of Corriere ...).
to defend ourselves if we have to fear, stay at home, search all, where are we going to end?
That would be the real victory of terrorism ... We would live like them, with fear, without guaranteed personal freedoms, and allow our "leaders" to trample on our freedom to do what he likes, so we are afraid, you do whatever you like, but we are safe ...
I know, I'm talking about jumping from one topic to another, but really it all seems so absurd.
solutions to this problem are difficult to find. I also fear that the next target will be Italy, but as long as you continue to analyze the problem starting with Bin Laden and it is difficult to understand, especially to solve ...
Fallaci but she has already learned all, thank goodness ... Instead of giving his prophecies also tell us how to avoid them, because as you say you always come true.
This time prophesy that will affect our art, to inflame Muslims against hitting centuries of history ... Maybe going to happen, I do not know, I think the Duomo in Florence, the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Who knows where these prophecies come Fallaci (suggesting an article on the site ).
We remember (even I had once connected) that Fallaci lives in the U.S., and perhaps his views do not come from his speeches clear, based on "truth" that says you know ... The American Truth? Mah ..
If the newspapers will stop to rhetoric, to write the usual phrases to sell, Aiazzi people of racism (in some parts of our north we are missing only that someone going in that direction), only a few of the devil more copies ...
We are not racist, I do not hope we will become.
check does not mean distrust of anyone who has the features Middle Eastern ...
I can understand the shock of those who post attack on the subway traveling there every day, maybe the bags on the train with suspicion, but from here, exploiting the anxieties of the people, you can not reach other conclusions.
With them you can not talk Fallaci says, then we should stop trying, rather, to try and continue to do so is our biggest mistake, it turns out, weakens us.
I disagree. With what we should resolve the situation then?
who seek to understand first is that it makes more money from all this terror.
Who uses this terror, who benefits, who uses it as sorry ...
Perhaps we would understand many things, Ms Fallaci (good old days when he wrote books and did not write about politics, and I say this having read his books ...).
Ms Fallaci had better, in my humble opinion, to direct all the anger showing in his articles against other targets, against anyone who is really guilty of all that she condemns ...
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Fotos De Espeon Pokemon
Milan, San Siro, July 20, 2005 ... FINALLY U2
I waited, expecting him to 70,000 in five months, and finally last night it happened ...
It is still hard to believe, but yesterday, we were all together at the San Siro in Milan us and U2 ...
at 15.10 we are in front of the gate 24, the row is ... The gates were open at 15, will open with about 40 minutes late. The boy
staff scans the bar code of the ticket, another off and on, we start to climb ...
We are thrilled, and the tower, and then circle around in seemingly endless ...
go high, we go in, and this stage seems like a dream. And 'huge, it is opposite the red stand numbered so to speak, on the long side of the lawn. With its tentacles spread over 90 meters, 26 deep ...
's different than other tour dates, because the concert will be filmed tonight, he will end up a DVD, This show will be even better.
calmly choose the places, we were among the first to enter, and start looking around ... They are the
16:30 or so, and does not seem true, there are, we are here, and they are coming ...
does not hot, there's a pleasant breeze that takes us right from the queue in the sun to enter ...
We drink from our bottles and ice stadium slowly fills ...
will be the emotion, the desire to be there, the wave will be repeated several times (and with several attempts) on the third ring, or a ball that always wanders to the third ring, but time flies up to 18 ...
A sandwich for lunch, one at 17 o'clock ... Everything flows smooth.
T-shirt, not the one sold at 10 € outside and inside the stadium, the only one, with our name on the back, there will always be ...
at 18.30, well ahead of schedule, they go on stage Feeder (for those not familiar with the board to find something to hear).
on stage make it very well, we are entertained for a 40in of minutes a nice "hello" by Grant (singer) in Italian, a salute to all the kids up, and his joy of being in Milan. ..
Break, you change the instruments on stage and there's Ash: A bit 'disappointing as stage presence, I expected much more, we can not wait to end up, and so is comes to 20.30 ...
We know now, once finished the preparations, when no one will be on stage, they will reach them.
begin to wonder where it will come out if we will see them go, we know that will start the "UNOS, dos, tres ... Only expect that ...
You realize at some point that something is happening, are 21.10, a 10-minute delay, ole, cries, then suddenly you wake up, you see them go, Larry, Adam, Edge, Bono e.. .
"ONE, TWO, THREE ..." It starts !!!!!
starts jumping to clap their hands to sing with Bono ... I do not believe it even now ...
The stomach is felt, that somehow your legs keep you stand but my knees tremble ...
The stage is something spectacular, running lights, an amazing spectacle of color ...
The large screens show us a Bono unleashed, ready to give us a magic night ...
In Italian, greets us, thanks us, "the moon is beautiful!" Milano sexy people!
70,000 wild in the stands ...
Party on the historical piece, "I Will Follow," and everyone in the choir from 'beginning,
"If you walkaway, walkaway I walkaway, walkaway ... I will follow !!!!".
Bono seems like a little boy, his hands seeking the public, and we certainly do not pray on their feet all with him.
also "Electric Co.", sings Larry also searched by Bono, and then retouched version in the "Elevation", Bono, truly here, and for a while 'just us screaming "uuuuuuuu" (who knows the song know what I mean), there Edge accompanied by guitar, Bono guides us with his actions ... Then he starts, and the song is perfectly suited to our purpose: to dance and have fun!
Edge begins in earnest to make his guitar, and San Siro is truly delirious total ...
Other historical piece, another chorus, Bono every minute that passes is more fantastic: "New Year's Day" ...
And then the piece of hope, with the world is in ruins, even in this piece in some way we read the "whole" U2, their every piece is now a hymn, and "Beautiful Day" is their hope.
open arms towards the stage and "it was a beautiful day !!!!".
Even old songs, even songs, yet his hands up and "I Still Have not Found What I'm Looking For" followed by "All I Want Is You": the chills when Bono looks back on his audience and without even asking him to sing all ...
Hence the turn of the concert, begins perhaps the most important for the meaning that wants to have, for the messages you want to chat, because Bono is now on top, does not stop him any more ...
The lights, the central screen between the two towers of the stage, the headlights ... "City of Blinding Lights" and "Miracle Drug" that makes you sing like tears in his eyes ...
Then Bono raised his eyes to heaven and enjoy the song directly to her father ...
"This song is for you" ...
is not easy to sing a song for your father who is no longer in front of so many people ... But we are there for this, and helps Bono San Siro, in chorus from beginning to end "Sometimes You Can not Make It On Your Own."
After "Love and Peace", a piece from the new album, you realize that if you were moved by "Sometimes ...", maybe that was just the beginning ...
Larry starts beating the rhythm, who knows U2 knows, we have, "Sunday Bloody Sunday "...
" Jews, Jesus, Mohammed is true. "A band with the symbols of different religions on the forehead, and his hand that points to them following the voice that articulates the phrase: Bono takes us by the hand, a for one, and San Siro shouting "No war" long and hard.
Bono sings with an intensity that really makes you shiver ...
Then there's "Bullet the Blue Sky" and then the dedicated to the victims of the London bombings: "Miss Sarajevo" ...
San Siro applause in memory of the victims.
The party Bono sang Pavarotti sings in Italian, in fact, extremely well in the beginning of the Italian ...
the concert said: "I will speak your language as possible "...
speaks directly to them now," the great "... their pictures are running on the central screen, Berlusconi, Blair, Bush, Putin ... The whistles from the audience, and Bono asks them to do something we are proud to make: to save Africa.
speaks of our generation, "this is the generation that will not allow that Africa remains in poverty oppressed and crushed by the disease" ...
When did the chorus of "Pride in the Name of Love", the cry of San Siro felt strong, really strong, shakes San Siro, and the diaphragm of these urges stronger than ever ...
an indescribable feeling ...
Same for "Where the Streets Have No Name "e. .. Of course, for" One "... The
all sing along with him, with his hands up, your heart beats ...
Meanwhile on the screen scrolls the text of the first part the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, together with a part from the words of the Burmese Nobel Peace Prize Aung San Suu Kyi.
depart directly from Zooropa "Zoo Station" and "The Fly", Bono looks back 10 years ago, the hat , the jacket, and sings to the camera stuck ...
All but expect this one. "With or Without You" ...
You can not imagine and describe the feeling you get to sing with him, to hear Edge that guitar right there, and the choir, you and other 70,000, "oooooooooooooooooooooo ...
Lighters and hands that move ...
come out for a moment, then return with an orchestra of strings behind him, Bono says he has tried a few times, I play for us, and we, with them, singing "Original of the Species" .. .
It takes even more wild, and it only takes the first guitar notes, Edge, this time it is he who calls us, and we, again, after two hours spent jumping, we are even more excited and more excited, and all together again, "All Because of You" ...
version almost mystical, very slowly, very thoughtful of "Yahweh", but we realize that the dream is finally ...
Bono takes still wild, and start again ... "ONE, TWO, THREE!" "Vertigo" ...
Bono greets us, thanks us, we scream as we can to thank him, Edge, Larry and Adam, and the lights go out, on the central screen the words "The End" in red, and we, for a moment as if suddenly awakened from a dream, we are doing is still clapping and shouting for them ... Sorted
you go away, but Vertigo is still singing, still excites you, greets you and away you go ...
got into the car, I lie on my back seat, but did not think of another ...
I can hardly realize the magnitude of the event I attended ...
The morning after throat hurts, my hands too, but everyone we would make another million times, each time screaming for more every time clapping even louder ...
I know, not the fans (they exist?) U2 are all that exaggerated, but for some fans, the description may seem too terse, or ineffective, but the reality is that you can not describe in words, it is impossible ...
Greetings to those who were there and is reading, a salute to those who could not go, who will go tonight ...
Definitely the event of the year, definitely, one of the most beautiful evenings of my life. More photos on
FotoBlogCafé ...
It is still hard to believe, but yesterday, we were all together at the San Siro in Milan us and U2 ...
at 15.10 we are in front of the gate 24, the row is ... The gates were open at 15, will open with about 40 minutes late. The boy
staff scans the bar code of the ticket, another off and on, we start to climb ...
We are thrilled, and the tower, and then circle around in seemingly endless ...
go high, we go in, and this stage seems like a dream. And 'huge, it is opposite the red stand numbered so to speak, on the long side of the lawn. With its tentacles spread over 90 meters, 26 deep ...
's different than other tour dates, because the concert will be filmed tonight, he will end up a DVD, This show will be even better.
calmly choose the places, we were among the first to enter, and start looking around ... They are the
16:30 or so, and does not seem true, there are, we are here, and they are coming ...
does not hot, there's a pleasant breeze that takes us right from the queue in the sun to enter ...
We drink from our bottles and ice stadium slowly fills ...
will be the emotion, the desire to be there, the wave will be repeated several times (and with several attempts) on the third ring, or a ball that always wanders to the third ring, but time flies up to 18 ...
A sandwich for lunch, one at 17 o'clock ... Everything flows smooth.
T-shirt, not the one sold at 10 € outside and inside the stadium, the only one, with our name on the back, there will always be ...
at 18.30, well ahead of schedule, they go on stage Feeder (for those not familiar with the board to find something to hear).
on stage make it very well, we are entertained for a 40in of minutes a nice "hello" by Grant (singer) in Italian, a salute to all the kids up, and his joy of being in Milan. ..
Break, you change the instruments on stage and there's Ash: A bit 'disappointing as stage presence, I expected much more, we can not wait to end up, and so is comes to 20.30 ...
We know now, once finished the preparations, when no one will be on stage, they will reach them.
begin to wonder where it will come out if we will see them go, we know that will start the "UNOS, dos, tres ... Only expect that ...
You realize at some point that something is happening, are 21.10, a 10-minute delay, ole, cries, then suddenly you wake up, you see them go, Larry, Adam, Edge, Bono e.. .
"ONE, TWO, THREE ..." It starts !!!!!
starts jumping to clap their hands to sing with Bono ... I do not believe it even now ...
The stomach is felt, that somehow your legs keep you stand but my knees tremble ...
The stage is something spectacular, running lights, an amazing spectacle of color ...
The large screens show us a Bono unleashed, ready to give us a magic night ...
In Italian, greets us, thanks us, "the moon is beautiful!" Milano sexy people!
70,000 wild in the stands ...
Party on the historical piece, "I Will Follow," and everyone in the choir from 'beginning,
"If you walkaway, walkaway I walkaway, walkaway ... I will follow !!!!".
Bono seems like a little boy, his hands seeking the public, and we certainly do not pray on their feet all with him.
also "Electric Co.", sings Larry also searched by Bono, and then retouched version in the "Elevation", Bono, truly here, and for a while 'just us screaming "uuuuuuuu" (who knows the song know what I mean), there Edge accompanied by guitar, Bono guides us with his actions ... Then he starts, and the song is perfectly suited to our purpose: to dance and have fun!
Edge begins in earnest to make his guitar, and San Siro is truly delirious total ...
Other historical piece, another chorus, Bono every minute that passes is more fantastic: "New Year's Day" ...
And then the piece of hope, with the world is in ruins, even in this piece in some way we read the "whole" U2, their every piece is now a hymn, and "Beautiful Day" is their hope.
open arms towards the stage and "it was a beautiful day !!!!".
Even old songs, even songs, yet his hands up and "I Still Have not Found What I'm Looking For" followed by "All I Want Is You": the chills when Bono looks back on his audience and without even asking him to sing all ...
Hence the turn of the concert, begins perhaps the most important for the meaning that wants to have, for the messages you want to chat, because Bono is now on top, does not stop him any more ...
The lights, the central screen between the two towers of the stage, the headlights ... "City of Blinding Lights" and "Miracle Drug" that makes you sing like tears in his eyes ...
Then Bono raised his eyes to heaven and enjoy the song directly to her father ...
"This song is for you" ...
is not easy to sing a song for your father who is no longer in front of so many people ... But we are there for this, and helps Bono San Siro, in chorus from beginning to end "Sometimes You Can not Make It On Your Own."
After "Love and Peace", a piece from the new album, you realize that if you were moved by "Sometimes ...", maybe that was just the beginning ...
Larry starts beating the rhythm, who knows U2 knows, we have, "Sunday Bloody Sunday "...
" Jews, Jesus, Mohammed is true. "A band with the symbols of different religions on the forehead, and his hand that points to them following the voice that articulates the phrase: Bono takes us by the hand, a for one, and San Siro shouting "No war" long and hard.
Bono sings with an intensity that really makes you shiver ...
Then there's "Bullet the Blue Sky" and then the dedicated to the victims of the London bombings: "Miss Sarajevo" ...
San Siro applause in memory of the victims.
The party Bono sang Pavarotti sings in Italian, in fact, extremely well in the beginning of the Italian ...
the concert said: "I will speak your language as possible "...
speaks directly to them now," the great "... their pictures are running on the central screen, Berlusconi, Blair, Bush, Putin ... The whistles from the audience, and Bono asks them to do something we are proud to make: to save Africa.
speaks of our generation, "this is the generation that will not allow that Africa remains in poverty oppressed and crushed by the disease" ...
When did the chorus of "Pride in the Name of Love", the cry of San Siro felt strong, really strong, shakes San Siro, and the diaphragm of these urges stronger than ever ...
an indescribable feeling ...
Same for "Where the Streets Have No Name "e. .. Of course, for" One "... The
all sing along with him, with his hands up, your heart beats ...
Meanwhile on the screen scrolls the text of the first part the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, together with a part from the words of the Burmese Nobel Peace Prize Aung San Suu Kyi.
depart directly from Zooropa "Zoo Station" and "The Fly", Bono looks back 10 years ago, the hat , the jacket, and sings to the camera stuck ...
All but expect this one. "With or Without You" ...
You can not imagine and describe the feeling you get to sing with him, to hear Edge that guitar right there, and the choir, you and other 70,000, "oooooooooooooooooooooo ...
Lighters and hands that move ...
come out for a moment, then return with an orchestra of strings behind him, Bono says he has tried a few times, I play for us, and we, with them, singing "Original of the Species" .. .
It takes even more wild, and it only takes the first guitar notes, Edge, this time it is he who calls us, and we, again, after two hours spent jumping, we are even more excited and more excited, and all together again, "All Because of You" ...
version almost mystical, very slowly, very thoughtful of "Yahweh", but we realize that the dream is finally ...
Bono takes still wild, and start again ... "ONE, TWO, THREE!" "Vertigo" ...
Bono greets us, thanks us, we scream as we can to thank him, Edge, Larry and Adam, and the lights go out, on the central screen the words "The End" in red, and we, for a moment as if suddenly awakened from a dream, we are doing is still clapping and shouting for them ... Sorted
you go away, but Vertigo is still singing, still excites you, greets you and away you go ...
got into the car, I lie on my back seat, but did not think of another ...
I can hardly realize the magnitude of the event I attended ...
The morning after throat hurts, my hands too, but everyone we would make another million times, each time screaming for more every time clapping even louder ...
I know, not the fans (they exist?) U2 are all that exaggerated, but for some fans, the description may seem too terse, or ineffective, but the reality is that you can not describe in words, it is impossible ...
Greetings to those who were there and is reading, a salute to those who could not go, who will go tonight ...
Definitely the event of the year, definitely, one of the most beautiful evenings of my life. More photos on
FotoBlogCafé ...
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Can I Take Soma With Adderall
Pope Ratzinger vs Harry Potter
foreign news never end ... The site appears this news: Pope Ratzinger before his election as Pope, had expressed deep concerns about the saga of the little wizard, Harry Potter.
All this translates into an exchange of letters between the then Cardinal Ratzinger and Gabriele Kuby, a German who has even written a book criticism of Harry Potter, calling it somehow "negative educational impact."
Two letters in question (shown in scanning the original in German on lifes the first letter expressing the opinion of the Cardinal, the second letter authorizing Kuby to raise awareness of these same opinions, which will on its own site. (In this regard, reference to the above link on the book of Kuby).
In essence, the Cardinal said, referring to the Rowling book, which contains the''subtle seductions, which act unconsciously, deeply distorting Christianity 'of the soul,''translated from German.
I have not read Harr Potter books, I admit ... I've seen a few clips from movies, but subconsciously think that those books could distort Christianity soul ... Maybe it's a bit 'too much ...
However, critics of Pope Ratzinger, I can not complain of not having material to support their thesis, namely that which defines him as an overly rigid character ...
foreign news never end ... The site appears this news: Pope Ratzinger before his election as Pope, had expressed deep concerns about the saga of the little wizard, Harry Potter.
All this translates into an exchange of letters between the then Cardinal Ratzinger and Gabriele Kuby, a German who has even written a book criticism of Harry Potter, calling it somehow "negative educational impact."
Two letters in question (shown in scanning the original in German on lifes the first letter expressing the opinion of the Cardinal, the second letter authorizing Kuby to raise awareness of these same opinions, which will on its own site. (In this regard, reference to the above link on the book of Kuby).
In essence, the Cardinal said, referring to the Rowling book, which contains the''subtle seductions, which act unconsciously, deeply distorting Christianity 'of the soul,''translated from German.
I have not read Harr Potter books, I admit ... I've seen a few clips from movies, but subconsciously think that those books could distort Christianity soul ... Maybe it's a bit 'too much ...
However, critics of Pope Ratzinger, I can not complain of not having material to support their thesis, namely that which defines him as an overly rigid character ...
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Best Tripod Lightweight Xsi Canon
What does the Minister ... An article
few days ago I posted about what was said by Clarke, the British Minister, about those "tricks" that would involve increasing the effectiveness of the now endless struggle against terrorism in European countries .
He spoke in Parliament, the Minister of the Interior, Pisanu, with a speech to the Chamber welcomed by all sides (as usual the league is no exception ... but I did not even put a comment. If you need to know the objections Lega you place a link ).
In summary the proposals of the Minister:
- no dry introduction of special laws, legal institutions are there, only to be eventually adjusted and adapted to the situation;
- introduction of "investigative interviews", ie interviews (interrogations I call them) possible without the presence of a lawyer;
- bring legal duration of detention to 24 hours to facilitate such transactions for the identification of "suspicious"
- to grant residence permits to those who actively participate and give important contributions to the fight against terrorism;
- possibility of more free access to databases of telephone companies;
- strengthening of the surveillance system of public transport, at any level (port, rail, urban).
say that as always there are proposals more or less valid, and certainly appreciate the introduction, the no special laws.
But all this investigative effort, monitoring, control, needs a critical piece: the police.
Men and women who devote their time, their work, their skills, and even threaten their very lives to be present and alert throughout the Italian territory.
Serve money to support these men and women, providing them with technologically advanced equipment, safety devices for individuals, trained, efficient and useful means of investigation, to give them a decent salary, and rightly proportionate to the risk they run every day (well , a deputy takes perhaps too much money to sit in parliament compared to those who take a policeman to intervene during a robbery ... We need to proportion things ...).
Surfing the internet I discover a thousand and more news regarding the reduction of appropriations to the police: I do not back the bill.
cite a link on all 19 pages in a pdf explains how the 2005 Budget reduces funding for public security and armed forces , the pdf is presented by the Parliamentary Group and La Margherita Olive DL.
Even without considering the merits of the particular views of the political group, there are many tables, concrete data, and many signs "-".
Here are the accounts that I mentioned before, that does not add up:
1) it says that "the guard was never down," even if we now talk of increasing vigilance against terrorism: how come it supervises? Cutting the legs of those who must watch?
2) Because the appropriations continue to decline, while instead they continue to waste money, without going into detail of the billions of ways that our MPs know for wasting taxpayers' money ...
I know, this conversation can sometimes end up in popular belief, the banal, but it seems to speak of things that can not happen in Italy, but ...
Sometimes I'd sit down and see me in front of someone who meets many, many questions ...
few days ago I posted about what was said by Clarke, the British Minister, about those "tricks" that would involve increasing the effectiveness of the now endless struggle against terrorism in European countries .
He spoke in Parliament, the Minister of the Interior, Pisanu, with a speech to the Chamber welcomed by all sides (as usual the league is no exception ... but I did not even put a comment. If you need to know the objections Lega you place a link ).
In summary the proposals of the Minister:
- no dry introduction of special laws, legal institutions are there, only to be eventually adjusted and adapted to the situation;
- introduction of "investigative interviews", ie interviews (interrogations I call them) possible without the presence of a lawyer;
- bring legal duration of detention to 24 hours to facilitate such transactions for the identification of "suspicious"
- to grant residence permits to those who actively participate and give important contributions to the fight against terrorism;
- possibility of more free access to databases of telephone companies;
- strengthening of the surveillance system of public transport, at any level (port, rail, urban).
say that as always there are proposals more or less valid, and certainly appreciate the introduction, the no special laws.
But all this investigative effort, monitoring, control, needs a critical piece: the police.
Men and women who devote their time, their work, their skills, and even threaten their very lives to be present and alert throughout the Italian territory.
Serve money to support these men and women, providing them with technologically advanced equipment, safety devices for individuals, trained, efficient and useful means of investigation, to give them a decent salary, and rightly proportionate to the risk they run every day (well , a deputy takes perhaps too much money to sit in parliament compared to those who take a policeman to intervene during a robbery ... We need to proportion things ...).
Surfing the internet I discover a thousand and more news regarding the reduction of appropriations to the police: I do not back the bill.
cite a link on all 19 pages in a pdf explains how the 2005 Budget reduces funding for public security and armed forces , the pdf is presented by the Parliamentary Group and La Margherita Olive DL.
Even without considering the merits of the particular views of the political group, there are many tables, concrete data, and many signs "-".
Here are the accounts that I mentioned before, that does not add up:
1) it says that "the guard was never down," even if we now talk of increasing vigilance against terrorism: how come it supervises? Cutting the legs of those who must watch?
2) Because the appropriations continue to decline, while instead they continue to waste money, without going into detail of the billions of ways that our MPs know for wasting taxpayers' money ...
I know, this conversation can sometimes end up in popular belief, the banal, but it seems to speak of things that can not happen in Italy, but ...
Sometimes I'd sit down and see me in front of someone who meets many, many questions ...
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Handsanitizer And Herpes
to read about the London bombings
I recommend you simply place a link to City.
An article about something that may seem absurd, you know that the 7 / 7 in London, was planned anti-terrorist exercise, which provided attacks in the metro that would be unleashed on the very same time and in the same places as in reality, unfortunately, the people then it is really dead, and the bombs went off really?
I recommend you simply place a link to City.
An article about something that may seem absurd, you know that the 7 / 7 in London, was planned anti-terrorist exercise, which provided attacks in the metro that would be unleashed on the very same time and in the same places as in reality, unfortunately, the people then it is really dead, and the bombs went off really?
Sunday, July 10, 2005
What Causes Leg Pain After Driving

This date will be remembered as one of the London bombings, with the image of a symbol of London literally destroyed ...
what I think: I was working, and was a friend via messenger to inform me, as always in these cases the Internet is "sitting", but I was able to connect to the BBC website, read a series of explosions that were battered the famous London Underground, and even a traditional red double-decker bus . The connection to Islamic terrorism is almost automatic, and repeat the same scenes, including New York, those of Madrid ... Unfortunately, this time, another thought is insistent: "hey, maybe just really miss Italy !"... We try not to think about, but unfortunately it is so ...
But this is the time to think in London, at 70 (unfortunately, will be more) have died, those who are still missing (also an Italian) ... You could
I think not. Unfortunately you can not control about 3,000,000 passengers, every day moving in the London Underground ...
intelligence could predict it? Maybe, but this terrorism is too bastard, mince inconceivable, strikes the innocent ... Perhaps the terrorists were really British, born ...
London now lives in the "bomb scares" the sirens of ambulances, and searches are still under the ground ...
England did not show his grief: no scenes of panic, photos of injuries, blood, or terror ... This is the dignity of a country that is definitely worth appreciating: it's just not give way, not "advertise" the deeds of these crazy ...
certainty? I really really can strike anywhere these crazy ...
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