and terrorism ...
inspired by ' article written by Ms Fallaci after the events in London.
She says, is that four years repeats the same things ... I'll admit
already by now: I do not like Fallaci's views on the terrorism discourse, Islam, war, etc. ...
I think he makes some mistake, Apart from ideas, just expressing:
1) victim forever ... She is always that everyone is talking about evil, but that is always right ...
fills her articles explaining how much she is hated for what he says ... I do not think, if in Italy there is a newspaper that provides you with four pages, not columns, pages, say what you think it means that people, even if you disagree, you read, I do not see any this exclusion, hatred ...
2) Modes: 4 pages probably merits whether it is because you hit ... The way to hit Oriana Fallaci is largely formed by the effects caused by his words. Use strong words, strong concepts, details, and speaks in every way with a considerable force, perhaps admirable ... But there are just different ways of saying things, be calm, "kind", clear, calm, does not mean being "spineless" or not believe what they say. But perhaps to sell some more copies using certain words, certain concepts ... (You can not expect to write well and in return receive only compliments).
These errors in my background ... If we turn the ideas we are in democracy, and you can agree or not, I do not agree on many points.
First of all, you can not just passing of sentences: I do not agree? I think that you are not doing enough against terrorism? That the Italians are all cowards and fight the enemy instead of sheltering him and help him?
right, legitimate review, but instead of giving the ruling daily, why not write one, but a single, practical solution?
No, instead it is better to make judgments, so everyone will recognize what I write.
The Muslims are all bad, as they plot behind us, we will make all out ... Again, shared by some, but Ms Fallaci should know that the priority now is to do something, protect, act ...
giving your solution instead of giving only his judgments.
We should reduce our democracy? Maybe he wants to say that Ms Fallaci.
change our laws, not more tolerant, to treat Muslims as if they were all our enemies, even the most unexpected, just because they are hitting us.
's arguments? With the Islamists can not talk ...
Ah Well, it seems obvious: you do not want Islam to speak with me, then I become like you, refuse dialogue, and woe betide you if you set foot in Italy, or, as in Italy are there, you oversee 24 hours 24 ...
I hope I did not understand ...
Democracy is our strength. We live free in a free country (so to speak), where people can express their views (and it is futile for Fallaci continue to complain that all the bad deal for what it says; I repeat: 4 pages of Corriere ...).
to defend ourselves if we have to fear, stay at home, search all, where are we going to end?
That would be the real victory of terrorism ... We would live like them, with fear, without guaranteed personal freedoms, and allow our "leaders" to trample on our freedom to do what he likes, so we are afraid, you do whatever you like, but we are safe ...
I know, I'm talking about jumping from one topic to another, but really it all seems so absurd.
solutions to this problem are difficult to find. I also fear that the next target will be Italy, but as long as you continue to analyze the problem starting with Bin Laden and it is difficult to understand, especially to solve ...
Fallaci but she has already learned all, thank goodness ... Instead of giving his prophecies also tell us how to avoid them, because as you say you always come true.
This time prophesy that will affect our art, to inflame Muslims against hitting centuries of history ... Maybe going to happen, I do not know, I think the Duomo in Florence, the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Who knows where these prophecies come Fallaci (suggesting an article on the site ).
We remember (even I had once connected) that Fallaci lives in the U.S., and perhaps his views do not come from his speeches clear, based on "truth" that says you know ... The American Truth? Mah ..
If the newspapers will stop to rhetoric, to write the usual phrases to sell, Aiazzi people of racism (in some parts of our north we are missing only that someone going in that direction), only a few of the devil more copies ...
We are not racist, I do not hope we will become.
check does not mean distrust of anyone who has the features Middle Eastern ...
I can understand the shock of those who post attack on the subway traveling there every day, maybe the bags on the train with suspicion, but from here, exploiting the anxieties of the people, you can not reach other conclusions.
With them you can not talk Fallaci says, then we should stop trying, rather, to try and continue to do so is our biggest mistake, it turns out, weakens us.
I disagree. With what we should resolve the situation then?
who seek to understand first is that it makes more money from all this terror.
Who uses this terror, who benefits, who uses it as sorry ...
Perhaps we would understand many things, Ms Fallaci (good old days when he wrote books and did not write about politics, and I say this having read his books ...).
Ms Fallaci had better, in my humble opinion, to direct all the anger showing in his articles against other targets, against anyone who is really guilty of all that she condemns ...
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