It is still hard to believe, but yesterday, we were all together at the San Siro in Milan us and U2 ...
at 15.10 we are in front of the gate 24, the row is ... The gates were open at 15, will open with about 40 minutes late. The boy
staff scans the bar code of the ticket, another off and on, we start to climb ...
We are thrilled, and the tower, and then circle around in seemingly endless ...
go high, we go in, and this stage seems like a dream. And 'huge, it is opposite the red stand numbered so to speak, on the long side of the lawn. With its tentacles spread over 90 meters, 26 deep ...
's different than other tour dates, because the concert will be filmed tonight, he will end up a DVD, This show will be even better.
calmly choose the places, we were among the first to enter, and start looking around ... They are the
16:30 or so, and does not seem true, there are, we are here, and they are coming ...
does not hot, there's a pleasant breeze that takes us right from the queue in the sun to enter ...
We drink from our bottles and ice stadium slowly fills ...
will be the emotion, the desire to be there, the wave will be repeated several times (and with several attempts) on the third ring, or a ball that always wanders to the third ring, but time flies up to 18 ...
A sandwich for lunch, one at 17 o'clock ... Everything flows smooth.
T-shirt, not the one sold at 10 € outside and inside the stadium, the only one, with our name on the back, there will always be ...
at 18.30, well ahead of schedule, they go on stage Feeder (for those not familiar with the board to find something to hear).
on stage make it very well, we are entertained for a 40in of minutes a nice "hello" by Grant (singer) in Italian, a salute to all the kids up, and his joy of being in Milan. ..
Break, you change the instruments on stage and there's Ash: A bit 'disappointing as stage presence, I expected much more, we can not wait to end up, and so is comes to 20.30 ...
We know now, once finished the preparations, when no one will be on stage, they will reach them.
begin to wonder where it will come out if we will see them go, we know that will start the "UNOS, dos, tres ... Only expect that ...
You realize at some point that something is happening, are 21.10, a 10-minute delay, ole, cries, then suddenly you wake up, you see them go, Larry, Adam, Edge, Bono e.. .
"ONE, TWO, THREE ..." It starts !!!!!
starts jumping to clap their hands to sing with Bono ... I do not believe it even now ...
The stomach is felt, that somehow your legs keep you stand but my knees tremble ...
The stage is something spectacular, running lights, an amazing spectacle of color ...
The large screens show us a Bono unleashed, ready to give us a magic night ...
In Italian, greets us, thanks us, "the moon is beautiful!" Milano sexy people!
70,000 wild in the stands ...
Party on the historical piece, "I Will Follow," and everyone in the choir from 'beginning,
"If you walkaway, walkaway I walkaway, walkaway ... I will follow !!!!".
Bono seems like a little boy, his hands seeking the public, and we certainly do not pray on their feet all with him.
also "Electric Co.", sings Larry also searched by Bono, and then retouched version in the "Elevation", Bono, truly here, and for a while 'just us screaming "uuuuuuuu" (who knows the song know what I mean), there Edge accompanied by guitar, Bono guides us with his actions ... Then he starts, and the song is perfectly suited to our purpose: to dance and have fun!
Edge begins in earnest to make his guitar, and San Siro is truly delirious total ...
Other historical piece, another chorus, Bono every minute that passes is more fantastic: "New Year's Day" ...
And then the piece of hope, with the world is in ruins, even in this piece in some way we read the "whole" U2, their every piece is now a hymn, and "Beautiful Day" is their hope.
open arms towards the stage and "it was a beautiful day !!!!".
Even old songs, even songs, yet his hands up and "I Still Have not Found What I'm Looking For" followed by "All I Want Is You": the chills when Bono looks back on his audience and without even asking him to sing all ...
Hence the turn of the concert, begins perhaps the most important for the meaning that wants to have, for the messages you want to chat, because Bono is now on top, does not stop him any more ...
The lights, the central screen between the two towers of the stage, the headlights ... "City of Blinding Lights" and "Miracle Drug" that makes you sing like tears in his eyes ...
Then Bono raised his eyes to heaven and enjoy the song directly to her father ...
"This song is for you" ...
is not easy to sing a song for your father who is no longer in front of so many people ... But we are there for this, and helps Bono San Siro, in chorus from beginning to end "Sometimes You Can not Make It On Your Own."
After "Love and Peace", a piece from the new album, you realize that if you were moved by "Sometimes ...", maybe that was just the beginning ...
Larry starts beating the rhythm, who knows U2 knows, we have, "Sunday Bloody Sunday "...
" Jews, Jesus, Mohammed is true. "A band with the symbols of different religions on the forehead, and his hand that points to them following the voice that articulates the phrase: Bono takes us by the hand, a for one, and San Siro shouting "No war" long and hard.
Bono sings with an intensity that really makes you shiver ...
Then there's "Bullet the Blue Sky" and then the dedicated to the victims of the London bombings: "Miss Sarajevo" ...
San Siro applause in memory of the victims.
The party Bono sang Pavarotti sings in Italian, in fact, extremely well in the beginning of the Italian ...
the concert said: "I will speak your language as possible "...
speaks directly to them now," the great "... their pictures are running on the central screen, Berlusconi, Blair, Bush, Putin ... The whistles from the audience, and Bono asks them to do something we are proud to make: to save Africa.
speaks of our generation, "this is the generation that will not allow that Africa remains in poverty oppressed and crushed by the disease" ...
When did the chorus of "Pride in the Name of Love", the cry of San Siro felt strong, really strong, shakes San Siro, and the diaphragm of these urges stronger than ever ...
an indescribable feeling ...
Same for "Where the Streets Have No Name "e. .. Of course, for" One "... The
all sing along with him, with his hands up, your heart beats ...
Meanwhile on the screen scrolls the text of the first part the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, together with a part from the words of the Burmese Nobel Peace Prize Aung San Suu Kyi.
depart directly from Zooropa "Zoo Station" and "The Fly", Bono looks back 10 years ago, the hat , the jacket, and sings to the camera stuck ...
All but expect this one. "With or Without You" ...
You can not imagine and describe the feeling you get to sing with him, to hear Edge that guitar right there, and the choir, you and other 70,000, "oooooooooooooooooooooo ...
Lighters and hands that move ...
come out for a moment, then return with an orchestra of strings behind him, Bono says he has tried a few times, I play for us, and we, with them, singing "Original of the Species" .. .
It takes even more wild, and it only takes the first guitar notes, Edge, this time it is he who calls us, and we, again, after two hours spent jumping, we are even more excited and more excited, and all together again, "All Because of You" ...
version almost mystical, very slowly, very thoughtful of "Yahweh", but we realize that the dream is finally ...
Bono takes still wild, and start again ... "ONE, TWO, THREE!" "Vertigo" ...
Bono greets us, thanks us, we scream as we can to thank him, Edge, Larry and Adam, and the lights go out, on the central screen the words "The End" in red, and we, for a moment as if suddenly awakened from a dream, we are doing is still clapping and shouting for them ... Sorted
you go away, but Vertigo is still singing, still excites you, greets you and away you go ...
got into the car, I lie on my back seat, but did not think of another ...
I can hardly realize the magnitude of the event I attended ...
The morning after throat hurts, my hands too, but everyone we would make another million times, each time screaming for more every time clapping even louder ...
I know, not the fans (they exist?) U2 are all that exaggerated, but for some fans, the description may seem too terse, or ineffective, but the reality is that you can not describe in words, it is impossible ...
Greetings to those who were there and is reading, a salute to those who could not go, who will go tonight ...
Definitely the event of the year, definitely, one of the most beautiful evenings of my life. More photos on
FotoBlogCafé ...
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