Thursday, July 14, 2005

Can I Take Soma With Adderall

Pope Ratzinger vs Harry Potter

foreign news never end ... The site appears this news: Pope Ratzinger before his election as Pope, had expressed deep concerns about the saga of the little wizard, Harry Potter.

All this translates into an exchange of letters between the then Cardinal Ratzinger and Gabriele Kuby, a German who has even written a book criticism of Harry Potter, calling it somehow "negative educational impact."
Two letters in question (shown in scanning the original in German on lifes the first letter expressing the opinion of the Cardinal, the second letter authorizing Kuby to raise awareness of these same opinions, which will on its own site. (In this regard, reference to the above link on the book of Kuby).

In essence, the Cardinal said, referring to the Rowling book, which contains the''subtle seductions, which act unconsciously, deeply distorting Christianity 'of the soul,''translated from German.

I have not read Harr Potter books, I admit ... I've seen a few clips from movies, but subconsciously think that those books could distort Christianity soul ... Maybe it's a bit 'too much ...

However, critics of Pope Ratzinger, I can not complain of not having material to support their thesis, namely that which defines him as an overly rigid character ...


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