Friday, February 12, 2010

Black Rash In Hiv Victims

Production Management

In the back of the building in Jewry Street takes place on my fourth and final lesson of this semester Production Management. The aim of these lectures is to illustrate how it works and what does the figure of the producer in film and television teaching the basics of copyright and of all the bureaucracy behind the production and distribution.

The first lesson was only the introductory: The teacher has just read to illustrate our timetable and explain in brief leaders will take place as the semester. Despite the departure of quiet, threatens to be a very demanding teaching, because my final grade depends on a single, large coursework, while all others will always include at least two.

To close on the lesson, our teacher showed us the first ten minutes of Living in Oblivion, a little-known film with Steve Buscemi who talks about the misadventures of a crew committed to achieving a low film budget. The professor said that his intention was to make us think about what role a producer within a crew of this type (in the film producer is the blond girl who constantly screams into walkie talkie), but I think his real goal was to take us seriously if we are to continue working in this field.

Click here for the trailer Living in Oblivion.
In Italy came out with the title
in Oblivion.


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