Saturday, April 25, 2009

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desire for rebirth

Where I left my positive thinking?

I have chosen the path of apathy wanted
chronic dissatisfaction
even echo the deafening silence of my inner
stop the rapid downhill without brakes.

are ghosts, disguised as people, whose breath
vested in me, and dress
to fill my soul with anger and resentment.

are moments, our thoughts turn to the
the desire to end it.

the boulder weighs too impotence. They weigh too
the words never said,
suffocated, floating between the heart and lips, too heavy

insensitivity of humanity,
this world is not mine,
is not what I want, the

nature turns on, and I
human being with intelligence are less
own nature.

I would explode as a volcano
be up to the sky, hot and destructive,

I would be high tide and storm
to overwhelm and choke, I

be barren land incapable of paying off

I would be the first human being involved and go back to basics.

struggle with myself, to understand the incomprehensible
to accept the mandatory
to subject the rest of this damn world ...

so much for everything else there's Mastercard .....................!

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